Thursday, December 6, 2012


holy fuck. last week. one week. 7 days. one of each type of day left in South Africa! 
Oh South Africa. how you are heating up in temperature and in love in my heart. 
This morning I moved out of my frat house and am back to being homeless and a backpacking wanderer in Cape Town. My suitcase…what a situation- not sure if I told you all that I have already broken 2 and am on number three, the beauty of my life. So spacious, such legit zippers- but SO heavy! Uncarryable. Not sure what to do…
Yesterday we turned in our ISP's, yes I actually did it. 41 pages of me, me and more me. No time for sources or quotes when I got things to say! I did my version of the assignment, and think its pretty good. Not exactly what they wanted, but what I wanted with their structure.
Today and tomorrow we are doing presentations of our projects, I am making a poster board! Yeah! People on my program have done really cool things and its kinda awesome to hear about- if I wasn’t so tired right now (last Wednesday at Stones last night, oy). Everything from the police system in South African to womens studies to analyzing the national anthem to comedy, art and poetry to local NGO’s. all of it is so cool because this whole ISP is all in your control and up to you. Everything everyone did was completely inspired by whatever they wanted and organized themselves.
Up next on this whirlwind of a program is our final weekend, of course filled with a  fabulous getaway. We are going rafting somewhere 3 hours from here on a river- classic SIT giving us little to no information. Then I return to Cape Town Wednesday for my last night before Kenya!!!!
This is all so weird. I have really become comfortable here and feel so much like I am just getting started on my independent life here. But at the same time I am sooooo satisfied with my time here and have checked off everything from my bucket list- except meeting Nelson Mandela and dining at Beluga, the fanciest sushi place in Cape Town. Oh well- ya win some ya loose some.
Catch ya kids later. Officially done with work also- not that I ever wasn’t really.

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