Sunday, November 25, 2012


You will all be happy to know that Thanksgiving went off without a glich. It was an absolutely perfect day, full of incredible food- people actually cooked some good shit. It was definetly very different from home- my sweet potatoes (although white) did taste very similar to home- but just having no adult leadership, funding or organization was a new experience. You never realize just how much work a 30 person dinner takes until you agree to be in charge of it. Our director came with his wife and adorable baby and a few other teachers from our program were very impressed with the amount and quality of the food. I never quite realized how American Thanskgiving is. Besides July 4th, it is really the only holiday that almost everyone celebrates regardless of religion, and as quite clear that we all needed each other to get through it. Everyone missed home, but honestly celebrating holidays with friends and no rules is super fun! Alright the clean- up wasn’t, but I didn’t really get involved in that being as I was passed out by that point. 
Whether it was the infamous “triptophine” that knocked everyone out or the copious amount of wine, we ran out of glasses pretty early on, so it was just a bottle situation which is always hard to measure, is unclear but people were sleeping in every creves of the house they could find. We have 2 people per armchair, a pile on the couch, a few on the floor and I found two asleep in my twin bed. All plans to go out that night were quickly slept through and the leftovers are still being enjoyed. 

All in all a successful Thanksgiving and a cool chance to make new traditions with new friends. (insert cliché phrase) Where there are friends, there is family.

thanksgiving style- sorry for any offense to anyone

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