Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween in the Bo Kaap

What a great 24 hours it has been. Starting with getting out of class at 1 Wednesday, doesn’t sound like much but when every hour of every day is planned for you, it was a dream. After searching the corners of the city for a costume shop, I finalized my outfit and headed home to attempt to consume a meal. It was a pasta, chicken, cheese baked situation that was stomachable which was good, and I got to hang with my wonderful fam. We discussed how they believed my family to be sinking in NYC, as well as my Halloween plans. My mom had invited my friend to come over and get ready with me as she and her husband were going out for the evening. Before I knew it 15 kids were over and I was freaking out, didn’t wanna have another Langa yelling. They came up thrilled..yes thrilled! to see all my classmates in costumes and found it hilarious. We all took pics here before going out and it was all so wonderful. What a dream family- loves to host! Haven’t felt so at home yet. As we were getting ready my mom told me I am not going to school tomorrow because I have to sleep and go to the beach. She said she would call SIT and tell them I was sick….im sorry. Were we meant to be or were we meant to be? Does she know about my years of fake fevers, stomach aches and 6thgradehookies? I wasn’t gonna fight her, and although it is not a thing to skip class here, I went with it. We went out in all of our ridiculous outfits, had a ball- 2 for 1 at Stones, costume party for a little while and ended the night with Kareoke. Yes that’s right. Kareoke! On Halloween! Started with a little RIhanna “Hate that I Love You”, then a stellar rendition of “Barbie Girl”, leading into Tori and I’s crossroads esque duet of “I Love Rock N Roll” and closed the night with Adele’s “Someone Like You”- a bit sad, but when the whole bar sings together, anything is fun. Made my way back up the hill to the Bo Kaap and did NOT wake up at 8 am like the rest of my group. Slept til 12, was given a nutella sandwich and coffee upon waking up, and sat on the porch talking about life with my host mom. She really wanted me to go to the beach, but all my friends were at school and we agreed it wouldn’t be fun alone. She has such an appreciation for relaxing and enjoying life, its so wonderful and refreshing. She is the classic Cape Townian in that she is laid back and carefree and loves the beauties of life, but then is also the classic naggy mom always forcing people to eat when they say their not hungry and making sure their happy at all times. Not a bad morning. After a much needed shower, I hit the town and had the perfect Brenna day meeting up with friends at coffee shops on Long St and planning with trip for next week! (Grace, Tori, Lizaby and I are skipping town to do the famous Garden Route, basically a 3 night road trip where I will partake in as much adventure as financially possible). A great day. A great family. A great life here in the Bo Kaap.

Big Bird, Elmo and Cookie Monster
Oh what was I for Halloween! Well now that you ask! I was Elmo! I mean it may not be the most obvious without Big Bird and Cookie Monster along side of me, but I really did have a great costume, a little more vixen-like than the kid-loving, comfy Elmo. Enjoy the shots of the night.

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