Monday, October 1, 2012

Priority Crisis

Ahhhh!! So I know I have been slacking. I know! Busiest days happening currently and I have SO much to fill you all in on, I just don't know when I'll get to. Left Langa this morning, off to vaca in Simon's Town   (beach, penguins, party) for 3 nights then Thrusday fly to the Eastern Cape for our rurual homestay in Tshabo village (no running water, one bed for everyone, no internet, no showers (secret yeah!) and all that jazz), then vaca part 2 at Buccaneers a week from Thursday (party, beach, Club Med of SA, party, beach, PI take 2, beach, party).
Ok so I have to write an essay... I know who am I? I just gotta throw some cliche Brenna phrases down on a page hand it in and then back to you lovely folks.
Look forward to these upcoming posts:

1. House party in Langa friday night for Janey's birthday...
Girls crew with Thabisa...our assistant teacher/ director.
 Saturday morning Biscuit Mill: (indescribable as par usual)


some food we ate/ saw. Grilled mushrooms, pesto on pesto, attempt at bagels, paella for all and the best dumplings and turnip cake in the world.

In order from top to Gaby: Olivia, your genious blogger, Meredith cracking up, Tristan (Cristina more commonly), Crystal falling down and Gab-ster not paying attention.

Greenmarket Square choir...incredible beyond words. Videos to come

And just a peak at what I wore to our goodbye to Langa party yesterday....more to come...lifetime embarrassment for looking bald.

The three best friends anyone could have...Langa style.
Just one big happy family.
me! Tristan! Gaby! then Linathi of course and Ooletto our beautiful girls

Talk soon! 

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