Sunday, September 23, 2012

Another one bites the dust

So you're probably thinking right now- wait what? A new post? On a Sunday? Unheard of!
Well 18 out of lovely 24 person program decided to return to the ol Cape Town hostel last night for a night to remember....even though I can't really right now. We had an incredible day yesterday seeing Robben Island (everyone learned about my motion sickness) and discussed the emotional experience that it was as a group last night- more on that tomorrow.
As for last night, we returned to "our home away from home", not just how I feel about the residence, but it is actually there tagline. Began the challenge that is getting ready in a 12 person co-ed room and went out for the night we had been waiting for for 2 weeks. Our home stays are amazing, but we needed a release after all the shit we've been experiencing and man did we get it. After a quick and semi-delicious din at the Food Inn, every food under the sun, gross looking but lots of locals, we returned to our favorite past time Stones. We thought it was 2 for 1, as it is at the other Stones from 10-11, but it wasn't. Did that stop us? No, 2 for the price of 2. And over and over again. Dancing, being a boss at Pool (yet again), more 2 for 's aqnd you know how it goes. Fast forward to our departure time hours later and Brenna decides to stick her beautiful iPhone in her beautiful custom designed iPhone case in her pocket of her cardigan and walk the 4 blocks home. Fast forward to getting iPhone in the cardigan pocket.
Although last night I was pretty unphased by it, some friends and I retraced my steps and no luck- this morning I realize how it is semi more of a big deal. But still...looking back...not even close to the worst that could've happened. I'm moving on and fyi that the all promising "Lost my iPhone" app is a load of shit.
So somewhere out there is just laughing at my great pics from last night no one will ever seen, hit the Avett Brothers jackpot and is rocking out to all 183 songs, and playing temple run until their fingers fall off. Lesson learned.
Not even 20 years in NYC can make you bulletproof to theft...unfortunately.

More on life tomorrow. Happy Heritage Day (our holiday tomorrow).

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